Hello everyone,
We are rewarded by Ph.D. students in the literature branch of the Department of Arabic Language on the occasion of Iraqi Academic Day.
Special thanks are due to the Deanship of the College of Arts, represented by the Dean, Prof. Hussein Dakhil Al-Bahadli, Ph.D.
Special thanks are due to the Headship of the Arabic Language Department, represented by the Head of the Department, Asst. Prof. Husham Nihad, Ph.D.
And special thanks are due to the Ph.D. students, literature branch of the Department of Arabic Language.
السلام عليكم جميعا...
تم تكريمنا من قبل طلبة الدكتوراه / فرع الأدب في قسم اللغة العربية بمناسبة يوم الأكاديمي العراقي...
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ورئاسة قسم اللغة العربية المتمثلة بالسيد رئيس القسم الاستاذ المساعد الدكتور هشام نهاد المحترم
وطلبة الدكتوراه /فرع الأدب في قسم اللغة العربية