آداب العراقية تبحث آفاق التعاون مع المجلس الثقافي البريطاني في بغداد
بحثت كلية الاداب في الجامعة العراقية آفاق التعاون مع المجلس الثقافي البريطاني في بغداد .
بحثت كلية الاداب في الجامعة العراقية آفاق التعاون مع المجلس الثقافي البريطاني في بغداد .
جاء ذلك خلال استقبال عميد الكلية الاستاذ الدكتور حسين داخل البهادلي لمديرة البرنامج الانكليزي في المجلس فيونا روبرتسن صباح يوم الاثنين 6/3/2017 بحضور رئيسي قسمي اللغة الانكليزية والترجمة وعدد من اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية .
وقدم عميد الكلية لمديرة البرنامج شرحا عن خطط الكلية في توفير متطلبات تطوير العملية التعليمية لاسيما في مجال اللغة الانكليزية وترجمتها لحاجة البلد الى خريجين اكفاء يساهمون في البناء والتطور مشيرا الى ان هذا التوجه ينسجم مع خطط الجامعة العراقية وبرامج عملها في توظيف جميع الامكانيات في خدمة مسيرة التعليم الرائدة في الجامعة وكلياتها .
واطلع وفد المجلس الثقافي البريطاني على جانب من حلقات التطور في كلية الاداب وفي مقدمتها مختبرات الترجمة الفورية ,والصوت , ومختبر المعلومات الجغرافية ( Gis) , والحاسبات والتي تعد من المختبرات المتطورة التي وفرتها الاداب ضمن خططها التطويرية وعملها الدؤوب لتوظيف الوسائل الحديثة في خدمة العملية التعليمية
AL-Iraqia University: College of Arts Opens Horizons of Co-Operations with British Council – Baghdad
AL-Iraqia University: College of Arts Opens Horizons of Co-Operations with British Council – Baghdad
College of Arts at AL-Iraqia University opened horizons of co-operations with the British Council – Baghdad.
And Dean of College of Arts Professor Doctor Hussein Dakhil AL-Bahadli received at his office English Program Manager Fiona Robertson on Monday Morning 6-3-2017. Besides, the meeting was attended by Heads of English and Translation Departments and a number of teaching staff members.
Moreover, Mr. Dean presented to the program manager a detailed explanation concerning College of Arts plans to providing all the requirements of the educational process especially in the field of English and Translation because Iraq needs qualified graduates contribute to building and developing their country. Furthermore, he also referred to the fact that this goes in harmony with AL-Iraqia University plans and its programs to employing all the resources so as to serve high-quality education in the university and its colleges.
Afterward, the council delegation explored some developmental projects in college of arts such as: Translation, Phonetic, GIS and Computer Laboratories. They are described as the most developed labs provided by the college in order to make use of modern methods in the education process
And Dean of College of Arts Professor Doctor Hussein Dakhil AL-Bahadli received at his office English Program Manager Fiona Robertson on Monday Morning 6-3-2017. Besides, the meeting was attended by Heads of English and Translation Departments and a number of teaching staff members.
Moreover, Mr. Dean presented to the program manager a detailed explanation concerning College of Arts plans to providing all the requirements of the educational process especially in the field of English and Translation because Iraq needs qualified graduates contribute to building and developing their country. Furthermore, he also referred to the fact that this goes in harmony with AL-Iraqia University plans and its programs to employing all the resources so as to serve high-quality education in the university and its colleges.
Afterward, the council delegation explored some developmental projects in college of arts such as: Translation, Phonetic, GIS and Computer Laboratories. They are described as the most developed labs provided by the college in order to make use of modern methods in the education process